Saturday, December 31, 2011

Snow Days Remembered

Found a few misplaced rolls of 120 film a few weeks ago, so off they went to The Darkroom. Not the cheapest of places out there (any type roll $10 plus shipping), but the email stating that the film is processed and ready for online viewing, is quite nice and usually I get it within 3 days. These are not the greatest scans either, but one can always pay more to get better quality. If you are like this photographer, a scanner already sits upon the desk.

These look to be shot at Rutgers Gardens & Davidson's Mill Pond, and the date on the roll was from DEC 10. Nothing like a cold & snowy morning walk with my Mamiya Pro TL 645 in the woods. Even with all this digital stuff, this camera is always the favorite. I just might take a walk there on the next snowstorm, whenever that happens. Oh I guess an order of pull-a-part would be needed for proofing. BTW Fujifilm makes a nice instant film.

Rutgers Gardens Creek

Davidson's Mill Pond

Some building at Davidson's Mill Pond


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